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S05E02: Meet the Carraway

Episode: S05E02, “Meet the Carraways”
Premiere date: 14 October 2024
Written by: Scott Andrews


As the sun begins to rise on the mid-morning of the day, the quiet blooming of spring’s calm begins to rumble. On the uppermost peak of the street, the rumble begins to intensify, as the sight of moving trucks and movers begin to shift furniture into the once empty estate home, infamously known as Bancorage.

Entering into the hustling driveway arrives an all-black town car. Avoiding the moving tracks, the car parks itself directly in front of the grand double-door entrance of the home. Once parked, the formally dressed driver exits from the driver’s side door, to immediately walk behind the vehicle, opening the back right passenger side door; upon doing so, a female swings both of her feet — dressed in black suede Jimmy Choo shoes — and exits the vehicle. Walking at a brisk pace to the front door of the estate, the female enters in. Aimlessly viewing the movers within the estate, she immediately turns her way to the right of the entrance to another set of double doors, only slightly ajar.

Opening the doors, the woman removes her sunglasses and greets, “Hello darling.”


Standing in the entranceway to the study, Grace Carraway loosely holds her sunglasses, dangling from the first fingers of her right hand. “I thought I might find you in here,” she states, continuing from her introduction moments ago.

Behind an oak desk stands her husband, business tycoon Walter Carraway, who responds, “Yes. Just getting a feel of things. How are things going out there?” “Business, per usual. The movers seem to be bringing in the furniture as we speak. Hopefully they won’t take too long.”

As Grace meets her husband behind the desk, Walter places his hands softly on her shoulders and kisses her gently on the cheek. Embracing his wife, Walter remarks, “This is where our family is going to call home.” Taking in a deep breath, Grace responds, “Are you sure this was the right decision to make?”

“Of course the right decision was made,” Walter states in a deep, assertive tone, before continuing: “Why would you think otherwise?” “No reason,” Grace coyly responds. “I know we debated all of the pros and cons, and we made the best decision.” “Plus, it is a bit too late to re-consider our decision, wouldn’t you say?” “Yes, I would. Thankfully, we made the right one for our family and the business.”

Embracing his wife into a brief, yet intimate kiss, the two comfort each other in their new home. “So,” Grace begins, fixing her blazer, “are you happy with your new home office?” Satisfied, Walter responds, “Yes. I am. What do you think of it?” “It’s adequate,” she absently responds, wiping her hand across the desk, testing it for the potential of dust and dirt. “Of course, your office back in Seattle was a bit more of finer taste.”

“Of course it was, but this office will do just fine while we wait for our offices downtown to open.” Outside of the office, Walter and Grace hear a female voice loudly discussing with two male voices. “I wonder what that’s all about,” Grace inquires, as they both go to exit the office, back into the foyer entrance.

“What is going on,” Walter questions, in a deep, demanding tone. In the foyer of the home, Brianne Carraway and one of the movers stand, arguing with each other. “Sir, I apologize, I must’ve upset Ms. Carraway in some kind of way,” the mover quickly states. “No,” Brianne rebuts. “That is not what’s happening. I merely pointed out to this gentlemen that the way they were handling the furniture, antiques I must point out, is unacceptable and that they must be handled with the utmost of care.” “I can promise you, Mr. and Mrs. Carraway, we are handling everything with top care.”

“Of course you are,” Walter assures the mover and his crew, while Grace swiftly takes Brianne with her back towards Walter’s study. “Please, continue on and I apologize for this inconvenience. You are all doing quite well. My family and I thank you.” He gestures to the workers in a way, which allows them to continue their work, as Walter joins Brianne and Grace back in the study.

“What the Hell was that about, Brianne,” Walters questions of his daughter. Slightly calmed and demure, Brianne apologizes, “I am sorry, dad. I did not mean for that to happen.”

“I just don’t understand. What caused you to have an outburst like that?”

“I am sure,” Grace interjects, while placing herself between Brianne and Walter, while standing at a slight support to Brianne, before continuing: “Brianne did not mean for that outburst to happen. This move is stressful on all of us and, it is a major change, so of course emotions are going to be heightened. Right?”

Taking a breath, Walter relents, “I’m sorry. Seeing you like that just left me unsettled. It is so unlike you.”

“I know, and I am sorry. Between the stresses of moving the family to New York and, the company, it has been a lot. I think I just need to unpack and rest,” Brianne quietly responds. “I love you.”

Kissing her father on the cheek, Brianne retires from the study, and makes her way up the staircase. Standing in the doorframe of the study, Walter watches as his daughter makes her way upstairs. Grace comes from behind, gliding her hand over Walter’s left shoulder, as a way of comfort to her husband.


Upstairs, Brianne opens the door to her spacious, yet, packed bedroom. As she enters into the room, she casually opens the tops of several boxes, while remaining removed from the situation. Outside the room, the sound of heels begins to grow closer and closer to her door, before they suddenly stop.

“Grace,” Brianne begins, “I know you’re just trying to help, but now it not a good time.”

“Grace,” a familiar voice retorts, before continuing, “Since when did you and Grace become such good friends?”

Turning around, Brianne is greeted by her identical twin sister, Charlotte. An equally well-dressed woman, however, with a more name-brand fashion-forward position, she enters into the bedroom and slightly closes the door to the room.

“I’m sorry. I thought you were,” Brianne begins to apologize before being interrupted, “I know. But, again, since when did you and Grace become good friends?”

“We’re not. I just had a lapse of judgment and sanity downstairs, and Grace was able to remove me from the situation.” “A lapse of judgment and sanity? You don’t have lapses in judgment or sanity.”

Laughing off Charlotte’s attempts of making light of the situation, Brianne responds, “I assure you I do.” “I know,” Charlotte agrees. “But, you don’t have them outright like that. What’s going on with you?” Sitting down, she questions, “Have you spoken to mom or dad yet about what’s been going on?” “No,” Brianne responds in a knee-jerk reaction. “It is not the time for that.” “Why not? There is no right time Brianne and, you know this. The longer you wait, the harder it is going to be for them.”

Pausing for a few brief and silent moments, Charlotte reiterates, “You have to tell them.” “I will,” Brianne quietly assures. “Once the move is settled and we can get the company set up here in New York, then I will tell them. I’m just not ready.” “Okay. I’m going to hold you to that.”

Charlotte lovingly places her hand on her twin’s shoulder, before standing up and beginning to exit the room. “You know,” Brianne remarks, “for the younger twin.” “By three minutes,” Charlotte interrupts. “Yes. But, for the younger twin, you sure are quite the big sister sometimes.”

Exchanging comforting smiles, Charlotte exits the room, leaving Brianne to exhale a deep breath, and resume unpacking her room.


Olivia Carraway-Windsor stands at the base of her stoned steps up to the front door of her newly-purchased home. Contemplating her decision, she adjusts her leather jacket and floor-grazing pants before making up way up to the steps and front door of the home. As she arrives to her front door, she takes another momentary pause to take a deep breath in. Adjusting herself once more, loosening her tightened neck and releasing a deepened sigh of breath, she opens the two-door front entrance to the estate, walking into the modern designed foyer.

Taking in her environment, Olivia could not help but question the decision she and her family had made to relocate to Liberty City, New York. While like Seattle, Washington, Liberty City holds the promise for the family business, for which Olivia is heiress to, alongside her siblings. However, unlike her previous residence in Seattle, she finds her new home quite cold and lonesome. Walking across the dark wooden floors of the isolated home, she makes her way into the living parlor, where she whisks off a sheet covering a couch. Folding the sheet into her arms, she pauses once more and closes her eyes, as if to imagine it all a dream she wished to awaken from.

“Is everything satisfactory,” a well-spoken, posh male voice speaks out. “More than I guess,” Olivia responds, turning around to see her husband, business mogul Philip Windsor standing behind her. Joining his wife, Philip remarks in his thick Newcastle accent, “It’s quite grand, isn’t it?” “It’s grand, alright.” “What, is it not to your liking?” Placing the sheet down on top of the couch, Olivia assures her husband is an uncertain tone, “No. It’s fine. I just… I’m still unsure about this move, that’s all. I know it was for the benefit of the company to relocate here, in Liberty City but, I cannot help but feel like this could have been delayed or, even better, put-off.”

Taking his wife into his arms, Philip assures her, “Trust me, my darling, this was the right decision. Think of this as a brand-new start, in a new place of opportunity at our disposal. I do believe we will be quite happy here. Settling down, starting a family of our own.” “I’m going to stop you right there,” Olivia interrupts her husband, unsure of the comments he just made. “You don’t agree?” “No, I do. I’m just not so certain of the family part right now, with everything that’s going on. I would like some time to settle, get a routine started, make sure the company is in the right position it’s meant to be in. And, of course, then there’s my…”

“Olivia, Philip,” a woman’s voice calls out, before entering into the entry way of the living parlor, “Oh there you are!” “My mother,” Olivia finishes of her previously cut-off statement, before greeting, “Hello mother, how are you?” “I am fine. You know me. I’m used to change,” the woman, Penelope Carraway, responds. “Mom,” Olivia states, “was the sarcasm really necessary?” Giving her daughter a look only a mother could give, Penelope responds, “ I have not the slightest idea of what it is you are speaking about.” “C’mon, mom. This is me you’re talking to. You taught me all of the snark and sarcasm I know.”

Penelope gives Olivia a smile, a subtle, yet apparent agreement of her daughter’s statement. At that very moment, Olivia’s phone pings; she removes the phone from her back pocket and immediately reads her messages. Taking advantage of the momentary break between mother and daughter, Philip questions, “Are you settling in alright, Penelope? Is there anything we can do or get for you?” Pausing briefly, Penelope responds, “Oh, I’m fine Philip. Thank you for asking. Such a gentleman you are.”

Noticing Olivia’s lack of participation, Philip questions. “Is everything alright, darling?” Noticing her lack of response, Penelope chimes in: “Liv, darling? Is everything okay?”

“Hmm,” Olivia snaps out of her trance. “Oh, everything is fine.” “Who messaged you?” her mother questions. “Oh, it was just dad making sure we got settled in. And he’s hoping to have all of us for dinner tonight at the estate.”

“Well, doesn’t that sound just… fantastic,” Penelope responds with the slightest hint of sarcasm in her tone, “Well, I should go up and settle into my room.” “I’ll be up in a minute to help you,” Olivia extends as her mother turns to ascend up the staircase to the home’s second level.

Wrapping his arms around his wife, Philip questions, “Are you sure everything is okay?” “Yes,” Olivia assures her husband, before continuing: “And thank you for allowing my mother to stay with us.” “And who else was she going to stay with? William and Amelie? No one would stay living in that home.” “You’ve got that right. It’s so clear there is something going on beneath the surface in their relationship, and I just wish my brother wouldn’t let it happen. He’s too good for that.”

Kissing his wife’s forehead, he states: “Your brother is a big boy. And his relationship is his own.” “I know. I just can’t help but worry. I’m his big sister. It’s what I do, and I’ll never stop worrying. Any way, I should go up and check on mom. I’ll see you soon?”

“Of course,” Philip responds, giving his wife a passionate kiss before she follows her mother upstairs. Watching his wife join his mother-in-law, Philip turns back into the living parlor, removes his phone from his suit pant pocket and immediate begins to send a text message to an unknown recipient, letting out the slightest of smirks.


The still of Bancorage begins to bustle with the incoming arrival of the Carraway family. Looking downstairs at the movers, a young Riley Carraway looks out on the movers bringing in furniture and other boxes, as well as unpacking several of the boxes, with the guidance of Grace Carraway.

Making her way down the hallway, Riley knocks on the closed door of a bedroom. “Come in,” a female voice welcomes from within the room. Opening the door, Riley notices her twin sister, Kendall, standing in the middle of the room. “Thought I might come in and say ‘Hi’,” Riley greets of her sister. Crossing her hands, Kendall responds, “Thanks. You can come in. Just close the door behind you.”

Closing the door as instructed, Riley walks towards her sister. “It’s a nice room, isn’t it? All the rooms are.” Looking absently from her bedroom window, Kendall responds, “Yes. As I guess they’d be in a prison like this.”

“Prison? Why would you be calling it a prison?”

“Because, I feel trapped here, Riley. I didn’t want to be here.”

“I know,” Riley responds, understanding of her sister’s point of view. “But this is home now. So we really should be trying to embrace It, shouldn’t we? I mean, New York isn’t a horrible place to live.”

Letting out a defeated sigh, Kendall turns and responds to her sister, “I know it isn’t. I just didn’t want to leave Seattle. I liked Seattle. I was happy in Seattle. And Liberty City is just not Seattle. Sure, it has its upsides and considerable ‘perks,’ but those don’t do much for me when I don’t want to be here.”

“If you could just give it a chance.”

“A chance?! A chance of what? I wasn’t given a chance to make a decision about where to live, so why should I give this place a chance?”

As Kendall begins to walk towards the door of the bedroom, Riley grabs her arm, pulling her back. She states, “You’ve barely been there a day and you’re ready to run back to Seattle, where our family isn’t living anymore. You’ll be alone. You’ll have none of us.”

“And sometimes, that doesn’t feel so wrong. I could always go be with mom.”

“Mom? How would you even,” Riley pauses, realizing what Kendall was trying to prove with her statement. “You’ve been talking with mom?”

“Yes,” Kendall responds in defiance of her sister’s own question. “And I know that hurts you, but just because you don’t have a good relationship with her does not mean I don’t have to.” Shocked by her sister’s admission, Riley explains, “It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s that she hasn’t shown interest, Kendall. She abandoned us years ago when she and dad split.”

“I know the back story.”

“Do you really? Or do you know what she sold to you.”

Biting her tongue, Kendall demands, “Get out of my room.” Heeding her sister’s demand, Riley goes to exit the room, before turning around and retorting, “You can be angry, you can hate it here but don’t rain on granddad’s parade. He’s real happy about moving here and a lot of us are, too. And granddad’s invited to the family to dinner tonight, so do us all a favour, and keep your sourness to yourself.”

Closing the door, Kendall turns to face the door, with a look of clear anger at her sister, both for her words and for the evening’s planned dinner.


“Did you really think it such a good idea to have the movers put the boxes right in front of the front door,” Amelie Ashford says in a slightly dumbfounded tone out loud towards her husband, William. Stepping out behind her, William responds: “I did not even think about it if I am being completely honest. I just figured you’d find some place for them once the movers had left. Didn’t think we would need people to do everything for us.” Crossing her arms in disbelief, Amelie responds, “Well, it would have been nice if they could have at least placed the boxes in their proper rooms is all. It’s why they were hired, to do the moving for us.” Placing his hands subtly on his wife’s shoulders, he responds: “Baby, you know perfectly well just because you’re married to money now does not mean you need act like it.”

Whipping around in an irritated manner, Amelie blasts William, as she walks from the front foyer into the spacious kitchen: “Of course I know that. But does that also mean we shouldn’t indulge ourselves in some perks that come with our status as Mr. and Mrs. Carraway? It isn’t as if we asked them to unpack our belongings. Simply that they could have put them in their proper places. Is that too much to ask?” “Of course not, but why hire someone to do something we are capable of doing ourselves?” Scoffing off her husband’s attitude, Amelie turns around and walks immediately from the spacious kitchen into the immediate open-concept living space directly adjacent to the kitchen area.

“Why are you so upset?” William questions his wife’s behaviour. Refusing to turn around, Amelie coldly responds: “I’m not. We’ve just got to unpack, right?” “Look, it’s clear you’re upset with me, so let’s talk about it. You always want us to talk about it, so let’s talk.” “Oh, so when it’s convenient for you, we can talk but when I want to talk it’s not the right time? That’s a laugh.” As William reaches his hand out to his wife’s shoulder for comfort and understanding, she jerks it away, demanding: “Don’t touch me.” Becoming increasingly pissed off by his wife’s cold and distant demeanor, William snaps: “What the fuck crawled up your panties and got them in a twist?”

Snapped in reaction, Amelie grabs a single-sitting glass, and smashes it onto the shining, white marble island counter of their kitchen, before exploding: “Don’t you dare speak to me like that! I am your wife and you are a Carraway, so why don’t you wake up, realize it and finally begin acting the part, because this weak-ass man in front of me who believe we can ‘do it ourselves’ is not the potential leader of his family’s legacy and the company that represents it. The person in front of me is a weak boy ignoring his dynasty.”

“My dynasty? Since when did you care about my dynasty,” William questions. Moving swiftly, coming face-to-face with William, Amelie sneers: “Since the day I said ‘I do.’ You may not like it, William, but you are the heir to the company your grandfather built from the ground up and that your father has continued to take to its most present of positions and, unless you want Mason to come in and swoop it up, I suggest you buck up, act the part and prove you are the rightful successor, and not him.” “And what if I don’t?” William bluntly questions. “Will you leave me? Has this only been about the company for you? Because, I entered into this marriage for love, not business.”

“Of course it hasn’t been about the company solely,” Amelie responds. “I love you, but let’s not pretend this is a one-sided benefit of circumstance. I knew coming into this marriage it would come with a price. I would have to play the role of doting wife to the privileged William Carraway, and I’ve played that role since day one. All I am asking for is my husband to play at the same field. Step up. Relocating to Liberty City is the first steps in taking the company to its new chapter, and we both know if Mason were to gain control, it would be over.”

“I’m not my brother.” “I know you’re not. And that is a fact you need to begin playing to your advantage, because I know Mason surely will when it comes down to it. Your father is going to make a decision sooner rather than later, and we both know the kind of games Mason has played and is willing to continue playing, to ensure he is end game. And it is up to you and I to ensure that does not happen. No matter the cost. Trust me. Trust your wife.”

A ping interrupts the tension between the couple, as both Amelie and William check their phones, with Amelie remarking, “Your father has invited us to a dinner at the main home. Guess we should try and get ready.” Amelie begins to walk towards the front foyer, with William following closely behind. “If you really think this is going to be the end of this conversation, then you would be wrong,” William declares to his wife.

Amelie approaches her husband, kisses him on the cheek, and immediately retires upstairs to ready for the evening’s dinner. As she reaches the mid-landing of the two-tier staircase, she turns around and forewarns: “Trust me, William, the company will be yours. Tomorrow morning, we’ll call the movers and we’ll have these boxes put in their proper place.”

“Of course, darling,” William responds to his wife. “I’ll make sure of it. First thing.”


“Dad? Dad!” a male voice exclaims throughout the unsettled estate home, calling out for Walter. “I’m in here,” Walter responds from within his office. Opening the door, a salt-and-pepper haired male walks in. Popping his head up, Walter questions: “What’s wrong?” “Did you see the latest report on the status of the new offices? They’re projecting delays. And with the McCreary deal right around the corner, it is vital we are in those offices.”

“I am aware of the delays,” Walter responds in a calm, yet un-worrying demeanor. “As for the McCreary deal, I spoke to Frank myself, and he is still solid on the terms and conditions we’ve set up for acquiring the company and its holdings.” “And you’re sure of this?”

“Mason,” Walter assures, “I’ve got this under control. Why are you so hung up on this deal?” “I’ve spent too long ensuring this deal happens for it to fall apart now.” “It won’t son. Now pour yourself a drink and sit down for a few moments.” Walking over the bar on the side of the study, Mason picks up an Old-Fashioned Glass, opens up the decanter of whiskey and pours himself a healthy pour. Taking a brief sip, Mason sits in the chairs in front of his father’s desk.

“How are the girls settling into their rooms?” Walter questions. “Fine. Just fine,” Mason responds, taking another sip of his whiskey. “Those girls of mine are warriors.” “That they are.” Mason counter-questions, “And Grace? Is she settling into the ‘Lady of the Manor’ role quite well?” Letting out a chuckle, Walter responds, “Oh, you know it. It is a role my wife plays quite naturally. Brianne and Charlotte are upstairs, as well, which is good after what happened.” “Happened? What do you mean? What happened?”

“Oh Brianne had a bit of a moment with the movers.” “A moment? Is everything alright?” “Yes, everything is fine. Just stress from the move is all. Grace checked in on her a bit ago, and she’s calmed down.” “And the movers?” Mason chuckles, making light of his sister’s moment. “Oh, they’re fine. They got everything settled and made sure to tip them generously.”

“Well,” Mason opens. “This has been nice, dad, but I should really go check on Kendall and Riley.” “Of course,” Walter responds, standing alongside his son. As Mason exits the office and begins to head up the main staircase, Walter interrupts, “Oh, and by the way, I intend on having the entire family for dinner this evening. I am hoping there won’t be any negativity between you and William.” “You can count on me, pops. I’ll be the poster child of civility,” Mason mocks in his response.

As Mason makes his way to the top of the stairs, Walter returns to his office and sits back behind his desk. As she settles, Grace appears in the doorway, makes her way behind her husband, begins to run your hands on his shoulders and questions, “Everything okay?” Pulling Grace’s hands into his, he responds, “Perfect. Absolutely perfect my darling.”

“Everything alright with Mason?” “Mason is fine. The girls are fine. And you are most definitely fine.”

Standing up, Walter pulls his wife into him, and passionately kisses her in a way only a husband who is deeply in love with his wife can.